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香港駕駛學院 駕駛改進課程農曆新年期間之課程安排通告

香港駕駛學院 駕駛改進課程農曆新年期間之課程安排通告

Classes of Driving Improvement Course (Hong Kong School of Motoring) during Lunar New Year Period 


香港駕駛學院的駕駛改進課程會在農曆新年假期期間取消︰ (上課地點︰旺角亞皆老街39-41號金山商業大廈5樓 (港鐵旺角站C2出口))


The Driving Improvement Course of Hong Kong School of Motoring will be cancelled during the Lunar New Year Period: (Class Location: 5/F, Golden Hill Commercial Building, 39-41 Argyle Street, Mong Kok (Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit C2))

Date 日期 Driving Improvement Course 駕駛改進課程
01/02/2022 (年初一) Cancelled / 取消
02/02/2022 (年初二) Cancelled / 取消
03/02/2022 (年初三) Cancelled / 取消


如有任何查詢,請致電查詢熱線 2384 8301。

For enquiry, please call 2384 8301.


We wish you and your family a Happy Holiday!



The Hong Kong School of Motoring

18th Jan 2022

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