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Awards And Recognition

Employer of Choice Award 2022

Co-organized by The Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong, the “Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards” aims to give recognition to outstanding service brands established by Hong Kong companies, to encourage local enterprises to strive for excellence, to promote Hong Kong services, and to enhance the profile of Hong Kong industries both locally and internationally. “Hong Kong Premier Service Brand”will be granted to past Awardees of the“ Hong Kong Top Service Brand” that exhibiting continuously superior performance.

Hong Kong School of Motoring has been committed to providing its learners with professional driving and quality customer services. These, together with years of profound training experience and reputation, have made the School a brand with credibility. We shall continue to uphold the brand pillar “Inherited years of experience with accredited professionalism”, through our systematic training curriculums, professional driving training and quality customer service to help learners to become a responsible drivers with road safety awareness.

Employer of Choice Award 2022

The Hong Kong School of Motoring was granted the "Employer of Choice Award" and the "Employer of Choice Award – Visionary Leadership Award" by Job Market in 2022.
Our company has always placed significant value on staff training and development, leading our team to keep pace with the times. We continuously develop diversified driving courses, striving to be a pioneer in the industry.

Hong Kong Top Service Brand 2020-2023

Co-organized by The Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong, the ”Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards” aims to give recognition to outstanding service brands established by Hong Kong companies, to encourage local enterprises to strive for excellence, to promote Hong Kong services, and to enhance the profile of Hong Kong industries both locally and internationally.

Hong Kong School of Motoring has been committed to providing its learners with professional driving and quality customer services. These, together with years of profound training experience and reputation, have made the School a brand with credibility. We shall continue to uphold the brand pillar “Inherited years of experience with accredited professionalism”, through our systematic training curriculums, professional driving training and quality customer service to help learners to become a responsible drivers with road safety awareness.

Caring Company 2006-2024

Hong Kong School of Motoring is the only driving school in Hong Kong awarded by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service as “Caring Company” for eighteen consecutive years.

As the first government designated driving school in Hong Kong, we provide our students with the most professional and effective driving courses. At the same time, we endeavor to promote and participate in corporate social responsibility (CSR) events.

We will keep contributing in all kinds of CSR events to make our Hong Kong a better living place.

ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme 2010-2025

With participation in the “Employees Retraining Board (ERB) Manpower Developer Award Scheme”, Hong Kong School of Motoring has been awarded the Manpower Developer 1st (MD 1st) Award for 10 consecutive years in recognition of our outstanding performance in manpower training and development.

To focus on manpower training, many of our resources are put in for education and diversive training. We keep improving the quality of our human resources so as to retain our professional and superior status in the training aspect.

In 2020, we are proud to be upgraded as “Super MD” to recognize we have been achieving the Award for 10 consecutive years.

Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Logo Winner 2010-2019

“The Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award” by Hong Kong Productivity Council with the goal of recognising companies and organisations with outstanding achievements in implementing corporate social responsibility. As of now, Hong Kong School of Motoring has been presented with Corporate Citizenship Logo for 10 consecutive years, this shows our effort and commitment to promoting road safety and better traffic environment. The School has been actively fulfilling its social responsibilities by promoting and supporting road safety activities through our professions and affections in the driving industry, in the hope of developing positive influence to the society. The School is also committed to participating in other social activities, including supporting the social vulnerable group, caring our staff and protecting our living environment as part of our contribution to the society.

ISO9001 Certification

Hong Kong School of Motoring is the sole driving school in Hong Kong attained ISO9001 international quality certificate, reflecting our professional status has been recognized worldwide.

Road Safety Council Member

Through co-coordinating and working with different government departments, transport associations, road safety stakeholders, educational bodies and community organizations, the road safety council aim to reduce the number of traffic accidents.

As an active member of Road Safety Council, we endeavor to promote and participate in different road safety activities organized by the Road Safety Council.

Through the promotion and education of road safety, we aim to make Hong Kong a society with “Zero Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong's Goal”.

EFA (European Driving Schools Association)

EFA (European Driving Schools Association) is a world-recognized organization formed by 25 European authorities, institutions and organizations from 24 countries.

With our professional experience in driving instruction, we became the only driving institution authorized by EFA in Southeast Asia Region. Regular meeting will be held in different European countries periodically. The coverage varies from driving instruction, road safety, environmental friendly driving to latest driving trends and knowledge. It encourages initiatives that lead to an improvement in road safety. Through the intercommunication with different driving associations, we improve our training courses in a more comprehensive and professional way.

Skills Upgrading Scheme (SUS)

With the co-ordination of employer, employee, training organization and the government, Skills Upgrading Scheme (SUS) provides quality skills enhancing courses that are recognized by most of the industries in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong School of Motoring is one of the recognized training organizations. We aim to help the students get familiar with the skills and promote self- enhancement and life-long learning culture.

Family–Friendly Employers Award 2011-2018

The Hong Kong School of Motoring has once again become the winner of the "Family Friendly Employers Award Scheme 2017-2018" organised by the Family Council. It is an affirmation of the company's relevant employment policies and measures. Our employees are our most important asset. We encourage employees to strike balance between work and family life, such as flexible working hours, compassionate leave, flexible maternity leave and staff safety measures, which benefit both employers and employees.

We will continue to promote the importance of striking a balance between work and family life and support family-friendly policies.

Employer of Choice Award 2016

The Hong Kong School of Motoring was granted the "Employer of Choice Award" and the "Employer of Choice Award - Learning and Development Award" By Jobmarket in 2016.

Human resources are the most important asset of the company, and we have put high priority in staff development and continuous training. The award encourages us to continue the effort and maintain our leading position in the industry.

Outstanding Social Caring Organization Award 2015-2016

The Hong Kong School of Motoring has been awarded the 'Outstanding Social Caring Organization Award' by the Social Enterprise Research Institute, for its commitment and contributions in social responsibility and sustainable development to the environment and the community.

The award shall encourages Hong Kong School of Motoring to continue to contribute to the betterment of the society and environment.

Innovative Service Award

Hong Kong School of Motoring was granted the Innovative Service Award by the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries in 1998. Signifying Hong Kong School of Motoring's tenet of focusing on innovation and service. The innovative service aims to provide customers with service beneficial for them beyond their expectation. Hong Kong School of Motoring plays an active role in introducing international experience and technology to develop new training modules. For example, our Defensive Driving Courses offered customers completely new impressions when making their debut. The "Motorcycle Emergency Reaction Trainer" and "Motorcycle Simulated Load-carrying Trainer" are respectively introduced from Australia and patent developed independently by us.

Hong Kong School of Motoring is always innovative. The high pass rate results from the effort of our ever-strengthening instructors' skills and continuous improvement of our software and hardware. We will continuously upgrade our products and services to further increase pass rate.