Enrolment Hotline:2866 6682 Customer Service Hotline:2866 6687
Our mobile apps for iOS and Android will be launched soon.

International Recognition

EFA (European Driving Schools Association)

EFA (European Driving Schools Association) is a world-recognized organization formed by 25 European authorities, institutions and organizations from 24 countries.

With our professional experience in driving instruction, we became the only associate member which is authorized by EFA in Southeast Asia Region. Regular meeting will be held in different European countries periodically. The coverage varies from driving instruction, road safety, environmental friendly driving to latest driving trends and knowledge. It encourages initiatives that lead to an improvement in road safety. Through the intercommunication with different driving associations, we improve our training courses in a more comprehensive and professional way.

ISO9001 Certification

Hong Kong School of Motoring is the sole driving school in Hong Kong attained ISO9001 international quality certificate, reflecting our professional status has been recognized worldwide.